Thursday, September 16, 2010

Go Back...He's Waiting

We are all looking for love. It is human nature to want to be loved by someone. Lacking faith causes us to run to the arms of those who can only make us feel lived for a season. I don't know about you but I want to be loved for the rest of my life and all throughout eternity.

We have all been in a relationship, romantic or friendly, where we've felt like we've had it! We've all had times where we've felt like you know what this just isn't working for ME, I think we should go our separate ways. Or you stop talking to that friend in hopes that they can get the hint. You try to convince yourself that you are doing whats right. You tell yourself that you are just following God's will. But have you consulted God about that?? We are so worried about moving "On to the Next One" without realizing that we have access to that Love. That feeling of fulfilment when we wake up; that feeling of joy when you kneel down to pray just to say thank you. We should feel gladness when we speak to God giving Him the Praise He deserves. But while dealing with trying to force natural love we put God on the back burner. We figure "ahh, He'll always be there..." Which He will, but relationships are two way streets. Think about that. Here is how I see it, and this goes for me too.

Jesus is that Ex that YOU walked away from because you were selfish and only cared about what you wanted at that time, in the long run you regret leaving Him but have too much pride to go back...the crazyy part is He'll always be waiting for you to come back! He loves you so much that His love for you will never ware off. He will never give up and just move on. In your time of need, even though you hurt Him He will still bail you out. But we have to humble ourselves and swallow that pride that is stopping us from trusting that love. You made a mistake. You BELONG with Jesus. Truly a match made in Heaven. It is God's will for you to be with Him. Girl stop guessing, HE IS the one. Boy stop wondering if Christ is the right one, HE IS!

Get out of your own way for that blessing..Go back...tell Him your sorry and that you love Him too...Get back with Jesus...
and this time he wants it all...He's waiting.

Love y'all...Be blessed...

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this truth...Thank you Lord for your patience and love. We are grateful and we acknowledge that NO ONE can love us like YOU can (if we let you)!!! Thank YOU Lord!!!
