Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Its Not About Us!

How many of you feel like you've been under attack since January 1st? Like every month its something different? That is how I've felt...I've had ups and downs like never before this year alone and its only may. One week im like "i GOT JOY JOY JOY ALLL OVER ME!" and the next week im like "yea Lord for I am a lowly sinner, join me as i condem myself..."

I feel like in my RE-FRESHING God is giving me a RE-ALITY check...

I find that there is consistency and RE-ASSURANCE in the Lord. He is a God who never changes, the same God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. While many of us need to be refreshed, most of us need to be refocused. We focus on what the world says we are, we focus on our current state, we focus on what we aren't or what we dont have...or even in some cases on the opposite end of the spectrum we worry about what God ISN'T doing through US...and that's RE-TAR--okay okay, silly, it's silly,...but i digress

God has been tryna tell me something ya'll check this out:

1. last tuesday I got homework from my mentor to do a biblical study on PRIDE (RE-THINK)

2.Then Thursday, a message on the 4 steps to submission (RE-SET)
a. humble ourselves
b. pray
c. seek His face
d. turn from your wicked ways

3. Sunday the message was that we are being "broken for change" and how the master potter will NEVER throw you away but make you in to a new vessel (RE-POURPOSE)

4.Sunday night's message was about making sure God is the forefront of all that you do..ministry is NOT ABOUT YOU but about what He does THROUGH you...its about Jesus and only Jesus. (RE-MINDER)

5. Monday night, (yes ya'll stay in His face, im trying to be there daily, it makes a difference!) We talked about defining moments. Now I wont type up all of my notes lol because there was a lot!

But here we go: In the process of change, there are these things called defining moments. Think of it as something loading on your computer, each little percentage closer to 100, is a defining moment. Some things take longer to load! Defining moments are the decisions you make whose outcome has an impact on the final product.

For example...if I am participating in a relationship that i KNOW is not of God, each decision I make will get me closer to the end goal which i know should be ending it or it will stall me and prolong the process of me walking in my destiny with the one God intended for me.

I probably should'nt even text this guy...ok I won't...+5%
Dang, he just txtd me to get on fb, I'm gonna read my word instead though...+10%
Should I go to that club with him? No, I don't belong there...+10%!
Should I go to dinner with him around 10PM...Sure, its a free meal girl!...+0%
Should we watch that movie over his house? Probably not, but i'm bored...+0.00%
He's a nice guy, a little pushy, but maybe I am supposed to witness to him so he can find Christ...okay I'll go back to his place after this movie...error..error..error (RE-BOOT!)

Y'all get where this is going? God wants us to install HIS program...but If you don't have the proper firewalls in place YOUR SYSTEM WILL CRASH! G.O.D. (God Ordained Destiny 10.0) LOL will not share disk space with a V.I.R.U.S. (violently influential risk unintended to serve)!....lol There are firewalls in fellowship, there are firewalls in the Word of God, there are firewalls in Worship, there are firewalls in Prayer....PROTECT YO'SELF FOOL!

If you know you need to change somethings, or RE-EXAMINE somethings, like or comment on this post and TEXT-IFY! Lets be transparent and share with each other, because there may be a blessing for someone else in your breakthrough...

We are here for one reason only and that is to love God and love others with that same love so that they too may develop a hunger and a thirst for the King. If this is not the main goal of your life, of your ministry...you need to RE-FOCUS....It's not about you.

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